Tag Archives: Boiler Repair

Homeowners staying put

Recent consumer research backed by Plumbfix, part of the Screwfix group of companies found that over 48% of UK homeowners plan to stay in their current homes. Householders will look to improve and invest in their current home rather than consider a home move and the related expenditure

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Top tips to ensure you choose the right heating and plumbing company?

Now the Olympics are over it’s back to the usual doom and gloom. The media has officially confirmed that the UK economy is effectively in a double-tip recession as if we needed reminding. Consequently, companies are sacrificing regular service and maintenance of their commercial heating and plumbing systems in an attempt to save money. In the current

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Top tips to ensure your boiler doesn’t break down!

We’ve been lucky this year relatively speaking with mild winter weather! Not surprisingly, commercial boiler repairs and servicing is very low on the list of priorities for most companies.  Traditionally January and February sees us in the middle of boiler breakdown season and with breakdowns, consumers and companies alike tend to spend the least amount

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