Top tips to ensure you choose the right heating and plumbing company?

Now the Olympics are over it’s back to the usual doom and gloom. The media has officially confirmed that the UK economy is effectively in a double-tip recession as if we needed reminding.

Consequently, companies are sacrificing regular service and maintenance of their commercial heating and plumbing systems in an attempt to save money.

Choosing your service contractor purely on price rather than testimonials and qualifications could end up by costing you a lot more!

In the current economic climate, installers are constantly fighting to remain competitive. When they win the work, often they are unable to deliver a good job because they’ve quoted too cheaply to ensure they have a good chance of winning the work.

As a result, Installers select inferior products, fit them quickly without any consideration for the future running of the system and with little regard for the customer who in turn shows little or no loyalty to the installer.

In this scenario no-one wins not even the customer even though they may of beaten down the price and considered half a dozen or so alternative prices.

The losers are the buyers or the owners of the commercial building/premises.

After all when is a good deal, a good deal?

Whilst on paper it may look like a significant saving has been made, in reality this is often not the case as farther down the line there will be additional expenditure on maintenance and repairs. In all likelihood, the company will have paid out twice the amount than the original cheap price quoted for the work.

It’s a false economy and one that many companies fall prey when earnestly selecting a contractor solely on price.

It makes sense that when choosing your commercial heating and plumbing contractor that they are selected on quality, delivery and sustainability i.e. they can successfully demonstrate their work via customer testimonials and case studies and provide longevity of service at a fair price and not the “cheapest”.

Working with a company that has an unrivalled reputation and who work efficiently and effectively results in a far more proactive and long-term relationship than selecting solely on price alone.

Seeking to establish a long term relationship with your contractor will bode well for the long term ensuring that work is of good robust quality that delivery expectations are manageable and on time and more importantly your contractor will act as your on site advisor and provide guidance on strategic maintenance for repairs and installations that are required to be done in the medium and long term without you feeling that you are being “had”.

The old saying “if you buy cheaply, you buy twice” rings true. By ensuring that good quality products are installed and that the job is done right first time removes many of the hassles associated with “the cheapest price” option.

Great communication is key with your contractor and being advised as to the status of the project, repairs or installation at any given time is key to successful completion.

Ensuring that any enquiries or problems that may arise following the completion of a job or servicing is key to developing trust and confidence in your service provider.

Reliability is another important point and this often becomes an issue after a job has been completed and paid for by the customer only to find that a problem arises and the contractor doesn’t show for four weeks or is unavailable. If you have selected purely on price alone you can hardly expect the installer to return post haste and fix it if he’s already out of pocket!

Working with a company that has a good reputation for delivering on time and can bring expertise, knowledge and skilled engineers costs!

Engineers that bring expertise, knowledge and skill through regular training can enhance your organisation and the company save money in the long term!

But in the long run it will save you heaps simply on time, money and irregular servicing and maintenance work as preventative maintenance is better than the full cost of an unscheduled repair or worst still replacement of a completely new appliance or system.

Choosing to work with a company that is committed to training its engineers is crucial in the maintenance of heating systems. It is also integral to their strategy for success.


Because it demonstrates that the company is committed to investing in its people and its reputation for the long term this creates a domino affect as the knowledge and training acquired by the engineers spills over to benefit your company when it comes to evaluating the maintenance and service needs of a commercial building, hospital or school.

Firstly, it ensures that the company can demonstrate they are Gas Safe registered and hold the relevant qualifications and are qualified to work on all makes of boiler therefore harnessing the knowledge an engineer has learned to best effect ensuring your job is managed safely and correctly.

Regular training ensures that new technological developments that might benefit you can be passed on equally on-going training ensures that your service company is updated with regulatory and legislative changes.

Service engineers that are highly trained and competent to carry out the work makes you better informed to make the right decisions for the service and maintenance of your buildings, boiler plants or plumbing systems.

Aquatech service engineers are highly qualified and competent to work on any heating system and boiler manufacturer!

What do you think? Have you bought on price and  later regretted it?

Next Steps 

Aquatech Services are CIPHE and Gas Safe Registered and are experts in the field of domestic, commercial, gas, oil LPG and renewable energy.

For more information about the following:-

  • Breakdown cover programs

  • Annual servicing contracts

Please drop your contact details in the form below and one of our advisors will contact you shortly.

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